Friend and reviewer Sally Feliz is back with a brand-new review! This week, she has DREAMWHISPERS by M Ennenbach!
This is one of my favorite collections by M Ennenbach and our friend Sally enjoyed it too! Check it out below!
by M. Ennenbach
Dreamwhispers is an important book for me, as it is the first signed copy I bought from Mike Ennenbach a few years ago. Many have followed, and I've read them in a completely baffling order, but this was my first so it's special. As always, Mike's prose is poetic without being purple. It is not fancy or pretentious, it is emotional and intense. It's never, "look at these words I know!", rather, "look how I can make these words beautiful and break your heart!".
There were 18 tales in this collection, each a unique and solid story. I liked every single one, no duds to be found. However, eight of them really stood out to me as favorites.
Grimm- An amazing Grimm's Fairy Tale re-telling. Mixing the old story with modern characters and setting, this tale reads like Grimm's version of the TV show 2 Broke Girls.
Lock-picks, Knives, Bricks, and Bats- A podcast interview with a poet. I loved the epistolary style, conversational feel, and adored the poetry within the story.
The Recluse- A successful, yet reclusive poet gives an interview. So much raw emotion in this one. Truely unique in every way.
Help Wanted: Nights and Weekends- An excellent story of a man working an odd government job. Parts of it gave me a Cabin in the Woods vibe.
Blobert- My favorite sentient space jizz! Timeless, witty, a kinda gross.
Cypress and Flesh- Southern supernatural Hunter in the swamp tale. Gothic and completely bad-ass. So happy there are more stories out the with MC Karl Beck!
A Conversation with God- An atheist in therapy is prescribed prayer. He is in for a big surprise. Emotional tale, somehow bleak and hopeful simultaneously.
Psyche and Eros- A gorgeous story of trials and love. Beautiful prose.
Highly recommend if you like unique, absurd, and heartfelt horror.
Get it here:
