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12-15-24 - Christina Critiques Movies

Writer's picture: Christina PfeifferChristina Pfeiffer

Happy Sunday, friends! I went on a Fulci binge and I know he is a respected director. So hopefully you agree with my feelings on these. If not, oops.



Written by: Lucio Fulci and Dardano Sacchetti

Directed by: Lucio Fulci

Run time: 1 hour, 33 mins

Rated: Not rated

Free: PlutoTV              

Synopsis: A clergy’s suicide causes the gates of Hell to open and the dead to rise.

Pros: cinematography, soundtrack, campy lines, special effects

Cons: the maggot-like fire hose

Most memorable scene: the two lovers and their deaths

Thoughts: Fulci has some graphic ideas, holy Toledo. The maggots scene almost ruined me. RUINED I SAY! I said, “Jesus Christ”, more times than I could count (that’s a good thing).

Rating: 10.5/10



Written by: Dardano Sacchetti

Directed by: Lucio Fulci

Run time: 1hour, 20 mins

Rated: R

Free: Tubi, PlutoTV, Plex              

Synopsis: Liza inherits a hotel that has a dark past… oh, and allegedly it contains a gateway to Hell.

Pros: the tension of the bells in room 36

Cons: none I could find

Most memorable scene: the warlock and the chain beating.

Thoughts: That opening scene will stay with me for a long time. The graphic brutality is something I rarely see in films today. And the way the last scene ties to the first chef’s kiss.

Rating: 10/10



Written by: Dardano Sacchetti and Giorio Mariuzzo

Directed by: Lucio Fulci

Run time: 1 hour, 26 mins

Rated: Not rated

Free: Tubi, Plex             

Synopsis: After a colleague hangs himself, Norman, with his wife and son, go to live in the same small town and house only to find out the house holds secrets.

Pros: kill scenes were insanely graphic and gory

Cons: the gotdamn maggots

Most memorable scene: any scene that creepy kid, Bob, isn’t in.

Thoughts: Dammit, Fulci. The maggots and this guy, am I right? While the kills weren’t as brutal as the previous two, the story line was extremely solid, and the suspense and terror reigned.

Rating: 9/10



Written by: Eric Red

Directed by: Robert Harmon

Run time: 1 hour, 37 mins

Rated: R

Free: No               Streaming: Max

Synopsis: A young man acts as a Good Samaritan and picks up a hitchhiker. But this hitchhiker wants more than a ride.

Pros: stellar acting, perfect pacing

Cons: it ended. I could have watched another hour of it.

Most memorable scene: Ryder releasing the clutch.

Thoughts: Critics panned this because God forbid they use their brains. It was brilliant from the first to last frame. Ignore any negative review.

Rating: 11/10

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