Today's first breakdown is for "Lost Minds, Wandering Souls Volume 2" by George Adamczyk:
While the author harkens his work to The Twilight Zone, I didn't really get those parameters in Volume 1, however the first story in this one definitely rang that bell. The second story had some good commentary on the often socially acceptable norms of the male species and how despicable it is. The third story was probably my favorite, I dig how George describes the spectral world the most about his writing. As a whole, an enjoyable entry, though I did find myself rolling my eyes at some of the jokes just as I did with the debut book. I liked this volume better than the first, so I'm ready to see what's next in volume 3!
4/5 stars.

Second breakdown of the day is for "Lost Minds, Wandering Souls Volume 3" by George Adamczyk:
Part three starts off with a gruesome one that presents a darker tone than the previous volumes but I was glad the main character got what he deserved. "The Ouijia Sisters" is my absolute favorite tale from Adamczyk that I have read so far, heartfelt and with a fantastic twist, bravo, George for that story. "Viperex" was a really fun one! I feel like the stories are getting better with each volume. Plenty of volumes left, I have them all lined up with anticipation.
4/5 stars.