Welcome back to another Weird Wednesday. But, for the next few months, it’s a different kind of weird. Since I’ve made a personal goal to read all 32 books that made it into this year’s Books of Horror Indie Brawl, instead of posting haunted locations articles, I am going to be posting my reviews of each book until I have finished them all!
Today's review is Cadaverous by Jay Bower.
"When darkness falls, the nightmare begins... Step into the twisted world of Gaige Penrod. This self-taught metal guitarist is consumed by a burning desire to be the epitome of greatness, and his journey takes an ominous turn when he attends a fateful concert during an eclipse.Enveloped by an unearthly presence, Gaige's very essence undergoes a malevolent transformation. Driven by an insatiable hunger for answers, he becomes fixated on realizing his musical destiny, embarking on a treacherous quest to reunite his band for a shot at immortal glory. But little does he know, his lust for fame will lead him down a perilous path.In a moment of desperation, Gaige strikes a Faustian bargain with a demonic figure, unwittingly releasing an unspeakable evil that threatens to consume him and all those he holds dear.Prepare yourself for Cadaverous, an icy tale that exposes the dangers of unchecked ambition. As the horrifying consequences unfold, you'll be left questioning the true price of desire."
First of all I loved the opening to this story. We are introduced to the content of book from the perspective of an associate professor of ocult studies. He informs us that the reasearch within comes mainly from the journal of the band founder, who meant to start a blog but never did, telling us that at least five people died during the band's short tour. He also includes the incantation (used to call an alleged demon), and warns us against using it ourselves.
The story then unfolds in subsequent "blog posts" that never made it out of Gaige's personal journal, until it was discovered.
What I liked most about this stroy was the format, as well as the characters. If you know me, you know I want to relate to the characters, or at least be interested in them. They can be good, bad, supporting, or main, but I want them to be believable and "real", even though it's a work of fiction.
Jay really thought out the players in this one and kept on brand. I was captivated throughout the whole stroy wanting to find out what would happen to each charcater. He also leaves things out about them, dropping bread crumbs, until their past comes to the front.
One of my favourite books is We Sold Our Souls by Grady hendrix, and Cadaverous definitely gave me similar vibes! I might even like it better.
At the end, Dr. Leonard Spivey, PHD, the professor from the beginning concludes his research and includes an appendix of the sigils uses, a link to a playlist "crafted by Gaige." And there is also a link to a "newspaper article about Dr. Spivey from The Southern Illinois Gazette."
If you are a fan of metal bands, satanists, or good writing and storytelling then this one is for you!
Where to find Cadaverous by Jay Bower:
Amazon: https://a.co/d/bISTUfz