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Christina Critiques

Writer's picture: Christina PfeifferChristina Pfeiffer

It’s Sunday Funday! I have four stellar books for you to check out. Zombies, demon ridden pigs, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and a sad little experiment. Get those lists out and let’s get into them.

ZOMBIESLAYER (Gotrek and Felix #12)

By Nathan Long

This story brings us to the end of the series written by Nathan Long. Never fear! There are still five more books to go. We aren’t done with this journey with Gotrek and Felix.

ZOMBIESLAYER picks up moments after SHAMANSLAYER ends and friends, it’s nonstop for 316 pages. Between the motley crew trying to keep Snorri from dying, to Gotrek having shards of obsidian traveling to his heart, to Felix and Kat opening theirs to each other, it is a tense ride.

Felix really comes into his own in this novel as he finds his voice as a leader as well as a lover. wink Gotrek on the other hand, well, he is still searching for doom.

The little plot points that seem like filler are anything but. That’s the brilliance of Long. Please don’t kill me but I find myself enjoying Long’s book more than King’s. I know, that is going to get me banned from the club but I had to say it. I also understand without King there would be no Long but I said what I said. Please forward all hate mail to Seras.

Moving on to book #13. No surprise a HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMEND 5/5.



by Allison Conway

If you want to have a ticket to the Depress Express, “read” this one.

THE LAB is a graphic novel with no words. Don’t let that fool you though. It packs a gut punch that turns into a heart stab in just a panel or two.

Our main character lives in an isolation type room. They (as it is not shown to be male or female) are captive in a sense, subjected to experiments or testing that they seem to not agree with. Some seem to have little to no effect while others prove to be more unstable. The deplorable living conditions also seem to add to the isolation and loneliness they feel. What happens when the experiments go too far?

This hurt. I had to go back and “reread” the last 10 pages or so because I was thinking, “I couldn’t have read what I thought I did.” The ability the illustrator showed is astounding. The commentary is strong and the emotions are stronger. Make sure you have a box of Kleenex next to you… you will need them.

Superbly done. A HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMEND. 5/5



By Eric Butler, Chris Miller, Patrick C. Harrison III, and Mike Ennenbach

When I saw this book was happening, I knew it was going to be a banger. I mean, ffs, look at that TOC. And the best part, each story is so different that it truly has a story for everyone.

Pestilence - Eric Butler - Have you ever wanted to start driving for Uber and have a voice in the back of your mind that maybe it’s not the best choice? This story is going to make that voice a whole lot louder.

War - Chris Miller - While reading War, Miller evokes the memory of the Branch Davidians and that fateful day that ended lives on both sides. Shifting between two different POVs, the reader gets to see the war from both sides. Claustrophobic and nostalgic.

Famine - PC3 - This one hurt. PC3 breathes life into the three main characters; Stump, Carolina (never call her Carol), and Flint. But while breathing life, he makes the reader fall in love with all of them for simple yet heartfelt reasons.

Death - Mike Ennebach - Tell me Mike has written another Death story and I will read it ASAP. Death wants to hang out in a real body for three days after he was incorrectly summoned and the summoner gets to be Death. Shenanigans of epic portions ensue. All I could think about was, if I had three days to kill everyone I wanted, who would get the scythe? Clever, funny, and gory.

Every story scratches an itch you didn’t know you had. I will need one of these yearly because these four need to ride again.




by Chris Bonner

BAZUMEL is a beast… both his character and the book. Clocking in at 526 pages, it’s not for the faint of heart but I promise, you will be glad you read it when you finish.

Bazumel is well, a demon from Hell and is on the move to be a leader on Earth. With his ragtag gang of demons, he channels his inner Antichrist and starts building an army. Elijah just wants to be with Samuel’s wife, Salome, but Saul has different plans. Jesus of Nazareth just wants to heal people and make the world a better place. Only one of these happen.

Bonner takes the reader on a journey that isn’t in the Bible. I will say, I learned a lot through the story and had to ask myself questions as well. While the characters were fleshed out, the ideas they stood for is what made them relatable. My favorite line, “A man can function with hate”, makes one pause and realize the truth in it.


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