This week's read was short, brutal, and sucked me in right from the start!

RED LACES by Colt Skinner
1. Holy freaking crap, he’s done it again! I am unashamedly a Colt Skinner stan.
2. Skinner has an unmistakable writing style that I absolutely love. He isn’t overly flowery or poetic in the way Khaw or LaRocca tend to write, but his descriptions are so real and accurate that it gives his style a little extra something. I don’t really know how to explain it, but I eat it up:
“My voice is a weapon a cannon, gatling gun, and sniper rifle all rolled into one.” Pg 2.
“Rocket is a lame dog, dragging his broken hind legs behind himself while he pisses everywhere.” Pg 31
3. I didn’t know much about this one when I started reading and the first couple of pages had me fooled. The old bait and switch. I can’t say much more here without ruining it, but I was disappointed by page 4. *Not in the story! In the people in the story. Which also made me happy that it’s a horror book because I was eager for some shizz to go down.
4. The ending was the perfect karma, but it’s not super obvious. It’s an ending that at first left me feeling like I wanted more, but when I realized what it exactly meant for Tank (the main character), I was relieved at the quiet genius-ness of the situation.
5. F**k Nazis, am I right?!!