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Sweet Reviews: The Exorcist's House: Genesis by Nick Roberts


After reading The Exorcist's House (the first one), I was left with questions about Merle Blatty and what happened to him and his wife on the farm before Daniel Hill and his family moved there.

Genesis answered all my questions and then some. I was most interested in Merle's story with this one, but I became increasingly invested in Daniel, and his wife, Nora, and their daughter's, Alice and Maren as the story progressed.

If you have read the first one, I highly recommend this sequel! I ended up liking this one even more than the first one. There are some gut wrenching, sentimental, and downright terrifying scenes in this story.

This book takes place three years after Daniel and his family leave the farm where they were exposed to (and some of them even possessed by) the demon that came out of the hidden well in the basement of the farmhouse. But it also takes us back to 1967 and follows Merle's story after his wife was taken by the demon, thirty years before the Hill family moved in.

Nick does a great job of weaving the stories together (pun intended -- once you read it, you'll get it) and bringing it all to a heart pounding climax. No spoilers, but I was genuinely sad with some of the outcomes :( The forces in the well are stronger in this story than the first one and that makes it that much more terrifying!

If you haven't read the first book: The Exorcist's House, I highly suggest you do, and then follow it up with this one! I know that another one of his book's, Anathema, ties into the story line in some way as well, so I will be reading that asap. I have seen some people online suggest reading Anathema first, followed by The Exorcist's House, and then ending with The Exorcist's House: Genesis.

I have read the first one, but I fully believe you could read this second one as a standalone. Nick gives just enough info regarding what happened three years back, and you actually get more of Merle's story in this one. You could start with this one, and then go back and read the first one. You might have a couple of minor spoilers going in, but I don't think it would actually take away from the first story.

Whichever way you decide to experience The Exorcist's House books (and Anathema) I recommend diving in.

The Exorcist's House: Genesis get's a solid 4/5 stars from me.

Where to find The Exorcist's House: Genesis:


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