For this week, I want to showcase CUCKOO by M Ennenbach, one of my authors for Uncomfortably Dark. CUCKOO was released on September 1, 2023, after almost a full year of planning for it. From the moment I read it, more than two years ago, I knew it was a masterpiece. Some may feel like its an overused word, but there is no other word that applies to CUCKOO.
It defies definition and genre. It is a fluid human experience. It is everything that one person could possibly go through in the course of their life, beautifully, brilliantly, and painfully told, from the perspective of the person suffering through it, writing it out, for us to witness. And you do witness it.
CUCKOO pulls you in from the first page and makes you watch, and makes you feel, and it takes you go on a journey that you may not have been expecting, and it will leave you breathless and wanting more.
CUCKOO contains themes of love and loss, grief and despair, PTSD and mental illness, family and friendship, hope and acceptance and so much more.

Have you ever been in love?
Truly, madly, deeply? Only to lose it?
Your tether suddenly snapped. How broken can you become?
And how can you ever hope to piece yourself back together?
This is a love story.
“Every once in a while, you come across that book you wish to hell you’d written yourself; Cuckoo is that book for me.” – Patrick C. Harrison, III, author of 100% MATCH and GRANDPAPPY
“Cuckoo is evidence that there is real magic in this world. But Ennenbach reminds us that magic is a double-edged sword. Masterpiece.” – Chris Miller, author of DUB-TOWN BLUES and THE DAMNED PLACE
“Brilliant does not begin to convey the beauty that is M Ennenbach. Once in a lifetime, you come across a writer with the power to touch your soul and leave it forever changed. Ennenbach is that writer and Cuckoo is a masterpiece.” – Candace Nola, author of BISHOP and UNMASKED.
"A life altering journey through madness that will flip you upside-down and make you fall in love with love again. I cried tears that will be wet on my soul forever." - Rayne Havok, author of MUKBANG PRINCESS.
“Ennenbach often has an ability to blow you away with his storytelling. In Cuckoo, this ability comes out in spades. Cuckoo took me through a tailspin of emotion, and I couldn't put it down.” - Jason Nickey, author of JASPER.
“Ennenbach takes us on a life-altering journey of the purist love, leaving us in a bottomless pit of despair, only offering slivers of hope that fade along with the sanity of the main character. Losing our sense of reality to find what true love means is the undeniable brilliance of this novel.” - Christina Pfeiffer, co-host of Mothers of Mayhem podcast.
"Ennenbach has crafted a timeless love story and a trippy psychological frightfest, all lovingly wrapped in the kind of painfully beautiful prose that begs for a second read. Heartbreaking and harrowing, CUCKOO heralds tremendous things to come for this author."
- Brennan LaFaro, author of the Slattery Falls trilogy